vlf Quake precursor, Whats the story so far
This is a continuation from my last post, and hopefully the images have appeared in the right order.


This plot screen image shows the kind of EM signature I am looking for, you can see in the noise line, there is a period of 1 hour 10 minutes of disruption, before normal tracking resumes. A good percentage of EMI recordings in 2014 were similar in nature to this one, however, the monitoring system was adjusted and modified occasionally to enhance Solar reception. As a consiquence, any EM signals from PQ's varied in signal strength, and were dependant on distance to source.

This particular image was recorded on 1st April 2014, as indicated on the time stamp. Later in the day at 23:46 UT, a magnitude 8.2 Earthquake struck near the coast of Tarapace, Chile, 14 hours 45 minutes after the noise line disruption ended.

Another feature here of possible significance, is the deep Blue trace representing the German navy, call sign DHO38. All naval bases around the world use VLF radio frequencies to contact submerged submarines, as normal vocal frequencies are unable to penertrate sea water, VLF can penetrate to a depth of 40 metre's. They receive mesages in bit format (eg, 20 characters a minute), at deeper levels they use ULF (Ultra Low Frequency), and deeper still some country's use ELF (Extremely Low Frequency).

If anyone is a movie buff like myself, I recommend one called "Crimson Tide" starring Denzell Washington, it shows the comm's system in action, and it's a really good movie.

As a Vlf monitorist, I occasionally receive warning emails from the NOAA space weather prediction centre, of possible VLF and shortwave radio blackout's, due to heavy Solar flare activity (you can see some of the effects in my last post). These warnings relate to X class flares (eg, 8-9 mag quake) with extremly powerful EM surges, capable of damaging satellites, and scrambling electronics and radio communication, unless precautions are taken before hand. Most naval stations receive similar warnings, and take appropriate action to protect their transmitters, if a high capacity impact is determind, the station switches off just prior to the event, I've observed this many times in the recordings.

By now, you may be wondering why I am giving lessons in ship to shore communications, and how does this relate to Earthquakes?. ULF and ELF are lower frequency constituants of the VLF portion of the radio spectrum, they are also in the domain of EM signals with possible links to tectonic activity. Now, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, (crazy English guy maybe) but if you look at the disruption in the German trace line, I would hazzard a guess that a submerged German submarine in the South Pacific, or off the coast of South America, suffered loss of communication due to an unknown source, of unknown origin. Or a more realistic and plausable explination is the transmitter at HQ was coincidentaly shut down in the period the EM signal was recorded. I did try to contact the German Embassy,but they refused to return my calls (a joke, incase anybody takes me literally Smile ).


I have chosen this image as an example of the dificulties that could arise from not posting an EM signature within a given time window. You can see how smooth and inactive the trace lines are, in VLF monitoring, you can get days and days like this, untill one day you get the unexpected. My usual procedure is to start the monitors at 9am, and finish at 7pm, mains power is restored, and astronomy begins. During this period the monitors are left unattended (have to go to work, sometimes), only when I return early evening are EM anomalies discovered.

This image was recorded on 7th July 2014, the noise line disruption ends at approximately 11:05 UT, at 11:24 UT a magnitude 6.9 Earthquake occured off the coast of Chiapas, Mexico. As I stated earlier, I was only aware of this PQ signal, several hours after the quake struck, because of the close time proximity and late discovery, this could not be concidered for varification. For several days after, the monitors recorded the same smooth, boring traces again.


Not all EM signals end with a satisfactory conclusion, as is the case with this image. This recording was taken on 22nd January 2014, and to this day I have not been able to link this to any natural or man made influences, it has the classic EM signature of a PQ because it has raised the noise line substancially. I had done my usual data checks online, and run a complete systems diagnostic on the equipment (one reason I now run two systems), no data or diagnostic problems were matched or found. This is a rare occurance, recording this only once before in 2013, in data I no longer have. This image also serves as an example that not all posted prediction images necessarally mean an Earthquake will occur. I did concider it being one of Mother-in-law's birds having an extremely long rest on the antenna, but I have two cats roaming the garden, so it's not likely Tongue. I've kept this image because the answer may be found some day, Astronomer's are always finding new discoveries in old data!.


In early August, during a heavy storm, my antenna suffered significant damage, ,and due to my busy work schedule it wasn't easy to find the time to repair it, so I continued with the secondary antenna collecting Solar data. It wasn't untill mid September that it was reassembled, however, signal reception was poor in comparison to it's performance before the storm. I persevered with it untill late October, and realised the EM Earth signals had gone, because a couple of big quakes during this period had left no signitures in the recordings.

Then a close friend who had spent decades modeling and working with intricate detail, (Railway layouts !!!) suggested a couple of additions to the antenna, it went back on line 29th october, the result is the image you see here. After 8 weeks of waiting, if I told you I'd fallen off my chair when I saw this, it would be an understatement. This image was taken on 14th November 2014, on the 15th at 02:31 UT a magnitude 7.1 Earthquake occured in the Malucca Sea off Indonesia. I knew it worked but had to go on the assumption of a glitch, untill another signal was picked up, but I didn't have to wait long. I recorded a similar signal on 7th December, and on the 8th, a mag 6.6 quake occured South of Panama at 08:54 UT. So not only does it now have better signal reception, I've discovered it is receiving lower magnitude signals, within a given distance of my location (Greenland sea, Winchester UK etc). The antenna is now being left in situ for the foreseeable future, and steps have been taken to protect it from the elements (tree guard, rain cover, moat and stockade, machine gun post etc Dodgy).


I hope this has been helpful in explaining what I actually do, and gives some indication of what to expect, if and when I post a plot screen image in predictions. I'm not an expert in this, just a hobbiest, so if there's any questions anybody wishes to ask, I'll do my best to answer them.

I thought I'd take the opportunity here to respond to a couple of quieries, and fill in a few blanks.

I live 25km North of Manchester UK, on the Yorkshire/Lancashire border so my dialog is a little mixed. I'm in my 50's and have been working in the gardening industry most of my adult life, so you could say I'm well suited on this site as I've put my time in looking after the Earth. Past interests include Auto engineering, Off road 4x4 competitions and Clay pigeon shooting (farmer's son stuff). My first real taste of science came in 2007, when a chance encounter with a Comet whilst repairing my car, drew me into astronomy (long story). I don't really write scientifically, as mathematics is one of my weaker points, but the last 8 years I've studied and read various sciences, friends and family are not really interested, so it occasionally comes out in type. Sometimes I unintentionally use American terminology, it helps with corespondants to a friend I have in Millford, Delaware USA (trash can/dust bin etc). I have a 4m x 4m observatory that I've built underground, next to an old mill pond, (didn't want to spoil the view from the house) with a few nice toys in it, including the monitors. My friends call it "son of CERN" or "Tracy Island" because the lawn covered roof opens electronically.

A more intensive interest in Earthquakes began early 2014, I've studied their behavioral patterns, and I'm aware of their frequent and infrequent magnitudes and after shocks. I know a little Geology and Volcanology, and I'm familiar with the basics of seismic and tectonic interactions from past readings and studies (Venus,Mars in comparison to Earth etc). I'm currently reading "Charge Generation and Propogation in Rocks" by Freederman T Freund, as this research appears to be the closest yet to EM anomalies, So I know a little more than something shown on the Discovery channel.

I have some data here that Roger may find useful, of the 18 PQ's from 2014 I recorded, and taking as many variables as I could think of into account, they have been reduced to 7 very credible signals. The others were to close to weather patterns, human error and Solar activity etc, so I shall list the positives (all are mag 6+) as Date, Time and Duration of signal as follows.........Sun 12th Jan,,11:20 UT,,115 mins.........Tues 1st april,,07:50 UT,,70 mins.........Tues 22nd April,,09:10 UT,,65 mins.........Fri 13th June,,13:47 UT,,50 mins.........Sun 6th July,,09:01 UT,,123 mins.........Fri 14th Nov,,12:30 UT,,62 mins.........Sun 7th Dec,,10:48 UT,,145 mins.

If Roger wants to let me know location and magnitude, I can confirm my list has possible verification data in the future.

Now, I'm sorry if I seem to be a bit of a joker, and leg puller but thats my nature, I realise it's early days here, so as long as I've shown this project is worth following, I'll try to behave myself, for now. So appologies to Roger for being sartirical about his big words (I've now bought a Dictionary), and promise not to use my Mother-in-law, in a threatening manner against Chris in the future.

I love doing astronomy, and VLF was supposed to be one of several projects I'd wished to attempt, but it appears to be taking me into uncharted waters, so I'll stick with it for now and see where it goes (just hope I don't run into that German sub again Wink).



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RE: vlf Quake precursor, Whats the story so far - by Duffy - 02-12-2015, 05:33 PM
removing graphics - by Island Chris - 03-04-2015, 12:19 PM

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