A break in radio silence....
(08-25-2015, 10:33 PM)Duffy Wrote: Thought I'd tag on an observational note here, as it may or may not have relevance to my recording of undetermined causality.

As of 14:00 UT today, I noticed substantial aspect changes in several VLF traces, including US, UK, Iceland, Scotland and France. Out of 19 monitored channels, only these appear affected. The exception being Germany, which went off Within the last hour, and has struggled to re-establish since, this determined my decision to post.

The Sun has been active all- day, but has only produced B class flares and a couple of low C's, nothing that would show significantly in the plot. The French channel has been off most of the day, but still shows similar disruption as the active one's.

I use to associate this kind of anomalous effect with Radon, Haven't seen it quite like this for months.

Hope nobody minds me posting this here, another thread amongst my other failed predictions might start bringing on the "Cry Wolf" syndrome


My mistake, just checked USGS records against my last aspect change notification, think I had something that time !!!

Hi all,

Unfortunately, my triple wham-my prediction failed to get me off first base again. I'm not a scientist, but anyone involved in research that requires a quick, positive result, knows how frustrating it can be when it fails expectations.

To date, nothing of significance has occurred, so no conclusions can be drawn except the possibility of system error, or as yet, an unidentified local source. The aspect change was a genuine phenomena though, as it appeared in other online SID station data. I did note that the aspect change coincided with resent activity in the Northern mid-Atlantic ridge, nothing unusual about activity here, as quakes occur on a monthly, sometimes weekly basis, however, four mid sized quakes in under 48 hours seems a little out of the ordinary for this region. Just speculation on my part, and would appreciate any corrections.

Finally, I noticed the BGS had posted on a quake which occurred on the 26th at Dove Holes, Derbyshire, UK. The quake was an insignificant 1.8 at 1km depth... interesting part here is, Dove Holes is only 15 miles from my house. Again speculation, but perhaps food for thought.

Will continue to post further anomalies, and hope I don't get "strike 3" on the next one Dodgy.



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