sudden slimate change 600,000 years ago
We missed You Brian! A talented guy like you should be doing better. Yes, you understand it correctly. I talked to Kennett a couple of years ago and he was really concerned about methane bubbling from the sea floor north of probably Siberia. One of the hypotheses for the late Paleocene thermal maximum is methane: I could Google it, but may be 55 or 50 million years ago.

Methane is in solid form under pressure and cold temperatures. In Santa Barbara Channel, today, it is stable below about 400 meters water depth. If the water at that depth warms, even a little bit, some of the frozen methane goes to gas. One other thing that may happen is that the stability of sloping sea floor drops and you can have massive submarine landslides.



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RE: sudden slimate change 600,000 years ago - by Island Chris - 12-05-2015, 11:34 AM

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