International Antarctic Earth Science meeting in India
I saw the keynote talk by Lonnie Thompson (?) this morning on high elevation tropical glaciers. He said that the last ice between the Himalaya and the Andes, which is on a mountain in Papua New Guinea, will be gone in about 3 years, as will the last ice on Kilimanjaro. The Himalayan glaciers are mostly decreasing also. I learned that the affects of man-made global warming on doubled at high elevation.

Also, the ice records show super droughts in the 1790s and also in the 15th (?) Century. The 1790s drought lead to starvation deaths of 12 million Indians (south Asians). I may have mis-understood/mis remembered, but these may be tied to super El Ninos.



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RE: International Antarctic Earth Science meeting in India - by Island Chris - 07-15-2015, 08:56 AM

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