M4.2 Castaic California: restarting Tony's thread
Thanks for reposting. Please feel free to forward to Jim Boles. I was going to start a new thread, but I felt it better for you to organize the information. Much appreciated.

I might have mentioned this somewhere along the way, but I noticed what also appeared to be increased water flow in the creek at the back of Lake Castaic. What was odd is that the creek had been bone dry for a year. My reason for going back there was quail opener (Oct. 18).

I was surprised to see that, prior to any of this season's rain, the creek was flowing and water was pooling. I don't know if the storms of earlier 2014 could have been responsible for that.

That creek comes down through Ruby Canyon, which runs from the NE to the SW into the back of Lake Castaic. So, a Google maps shot should give a pretty clear indication of its location.

Anyway, thanks for the thread. It will be interesting to see what happens. I nudge people to be prepared. We live in California after all. It's coming sooner or later.



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RE: M4.2 Castaic California: restarting Tony's thread - by zinnanti - 01-04-2015, 03:17 PM

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