does 32 year earth's core period trigger M7+ quakes?
(11-02-2017, 05:00 AM)Skywise Wrote: It's too bad that the article is behind a paywall. It would be interesting to see what statistical methods they used to tease out the pattern, not that I'd be ale to replicate it very well. My statistics knowledge sucks. Although I wonder if some sort of Fourier analysis could be applied. I don't know the math on that either but I am very familiar with it's use in audio and radio frequency spectral analysis.

But I tend to agree with Roger here. Given the short catalog and therefore low numbers of this size quake, it's hard to see how a pattern could be discerned. I mean, there's not even four full cycles in the catalog (2017-1899 = 118 years divided by 32 = 3.6875). Drawing from my astronomical knowledge, I think that's barely the minimum number of orbits required for planetary transits of stars to reliably detect a planet from the dimming of the star as the planet blocks some of the light.


Yes, this paywall business hampers things for individuals who have no ready access to university or government libraries. That's my only regret about retiring.



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RE: does 32 year earth's core period trigger M7+ quakes? - by Roger Hunter - 11-02-2017, 02:19 PM

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